WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 8-K/A
                                (Amendment No.1)

                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported):                 March 18, 1998

                       TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                   0-29230                     51-0350842    
(State or other jurisdiction       (Commission               (I.R.S. Employer 
      of incoropration)           File Number)               Identification No.)

       575 Broadway, New York, NY                                   10012    
(Address of principal executive offices)                         (Zip Code)  
Registrant's telephone number, including area code               (212) 941-2988

                                 Not Applicable
           Former name or former address, if changed since last report

Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits.

     The following  financial  statements  and pro forma  financial  information
     omitted from Form 8-K for the event dated March 18, 1998,  in reliance upon
     instructions 7 (a) (4) and 7 (b) (2) of Form 8-K, are filed herewith.

     (a)  Financial Statements of the Businesses Acquired.

     1.   Financial Statements of BMG Interactive Group

          Independent Auditors' Report
          Combined Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1997
          Combined  Statements of  Operations  for the Years ended June 30, 1997
           and 1996
          Combined Statements of Divisional Deficit for the Years ended June 30,
           1997 and 1996
          Combined  Statements  of Cash Flows for the Years  ended June 30, 1997
           and 1996 
          Notes to Combined Financial Statements
          Other Independent Auditors' Reports
          Combined Balance Sheet as of December 31, 1997 (unaudited)
          Combined  Statements of Operations and Divisional  Deficit for the six
           months ended December 31, 1997 and 1996 (unaudited)
          Combined  Statements  of Cash Flows for the six months ended  December
           31, 1997 and 1996 (unaudited)

     (b)  Pro Forma Financial Information.

     Unaudited  Pro  Forma  Consolidated   Financial   Statements  for  Take-Two
     Interactive Software, Inc. and Subsidiaries

          Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated  Statement of Operations for the year
           ended October 31, 1997.
          Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements for the
           year ended October 31, 1997.

     (c)  Exhibits.

     Reference is made to the Exhibits  previously filed with the Securities and
     Exchange Commission as Exhibits to the Company's Report on Form 8-K for the
     event dated March 18, 1998.

                          Independent Auditors' Report

The Board of Directors
Bertelsmann AG:

We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheet of BMG Interactive Group
(the  "Company"),  an indirect  wholly owned  operation of Bertelsmann AG, as of
June 30, 1997, and the related  combined  statements of  operations,  divisional
deficit,  and cash flows for each of the years in the two-year period ended June
30, 1997.  These combined  financial  statements are the  responsibility  of the
Company's  management.  Our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
combined  financial  statements  based  on our  audits.  We did  not  audit  the
financial statements of the Company's operations in the United Kingdom,  France,
Italy and Japan,  which statements  reflect assets  constituting 43% of combined
assets as of June 30, 1997,  and revenues  constituting  60% and 77% of combined
revenues in 1997 and 1996, respectively.  Those statements were audited by other
auditors whose reports have been furnished to us, and our opinion, insofar as it
relates to the  amounts  included  for the  operations  of the  United  Kingdom,
France, Italy and Japan, is based solely on the reports of the other auditors.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We  believe  that our audits and the  reports  of the other  auditors  provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

The  BMG  Interactive  Group  has  been  operated  as an  integral  part  of BMG
Entertainment,  a  division  of  Bertelsmann  AG,  and  has  no  separate  legal
existence.  The basis of preparation of the accompanying financial statements is
described in note 2 to the combined financial statements.

In our  opinion,  based on our audits and the  reports  of other  auditors,  the
combined financial  statements referred to above present fairly, in all material
respects,  the financial  position of BMG Interactive  Group, an indirect wholly
owned operation of Bertelsmann AG, as of June 30, 1997, and the results of their
operations  and their  cash flows for each of the years in the  two-year  period
ended June 30, 1997 on the basis  described in the  preceding  paragraph  and in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                       KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
New York, New York
May 19, 1998

                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                             Combined Balance Sheet
                                 (in thousands)

                                  June 30, 1997

                     Assets                                               1997
Current assets:
    Cash                                                               $    144
    Accounts receivable, net                                              3,523
    Inventory, net                                                        1,393
    Producer royalty advances, net                                        8,809
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets                               943
                  Total current assets                                   14,812

Furniture and equipment, net  of
    accumulated depreciation of $528                                        852
Other noncurrent assets                                                   1,039

                  Total assets                                         $ 16,703

                Liabilities and Divisional Deficit

Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable                                                      2,213
    Accrued expenses                                                      1,556
    Other current liabilities                                             5,165
    Due to Bertelsmann AG and affiliates                                 75,036

                  Total current liabilities                              83,970

Contingencies (note 7)

Divisional deficit:
    Retained deficit                                                    (67,602)
    Cumulative translation adjustment                                       335
                  Total divisional deficit                              (67,267)

                  Total liabilities and divisional deficit             $ 16,703

See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.

                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                        Combined Statements of Operations
                                 (in thousands)

                       Years ended June 30, 1997 and 1996

                                                          1997            1996
                                                          ----            ----

Net revenues                                           $ 33,531          15,011
Cost of revenues                                        (44,962)        (13,928)
                                                       --------        --------

                  Gross profit (loss)                   (11,431)          1,083
                                                       --------        --------

Operating expenses:
    Selling                                               7,181           4,043
    General and administrative                           18,376          15,994
                                                       --------        --------

                                                         25,557          20,037
                                                       --------        --------

                  Net loss                             $(36,988)        (18,954)
                                                       ========        ========

See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.

                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                    Combined Statements of Divisional Deficit
                                 (in thousands)

                       Years ended June 30, 1997 and 1996

                                         Retained      Translation    Divisional
                                          Deficit       Adjustment      Deficit
                                         --------      -----------    ---------

Balance at July 1, 1995                  $(11,660)            --        (11,660)

Foreign Currency
  Translation Adjustments                      --            404            404

Net Loss                                  (18,954)            --        (18,954)
                                         --------       --------       --------

Balance at June 30, 1996                  (30,614)           404        (30,210)

Foreign Currency
  Translation Adjustments                      --            (69)           (69)

Net Loss                                  (36,988)            --        (36,988)
                                         --------       --------       --------

Balance at June 30, 1997                 $(67,602)           335        (67,267)
                                         ========       ========       ========

See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.

                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                        Combined Statements of Cash Flows
                                 (in thousands)

                       Years ended June 30, 1997 and 1996

                                                              1997        1996
                                                              ----        ----

Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net loss                                               $(36,988)    (18,954)
    Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash
       used in operating activities:
          Depreciation                                          223         464
          Change in assets and liabilities:
              Accounts receivable, net                         (733)     (2,376)
              Inventory, net                                   (405)       (379)
              Producer royalty advances, net                 12,804      (3,053)
              Prepaid expenses and other assets                  98      (2,004)
              Other current liabilities                       2,765       3,033
                                                           --------    --------

               Net cash used in operating activities        (22,236)    (23,269)
                                                           --------    --------

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Capital expenditures                                       (289)       (566)
                                                           --------    --------

               Net cash used in investing activities           (289)       (566)
                                                           --------    --------

Cash flows from financing activities:
    Net advances from Bertelsmann and affiliates             22,397      23,878
                                                           --------    --------

               Net cash provided by financing activities     22,397      23,878
                                                           --------    --------

               Net (decrease) increase in cash                 (128)         43

Cash at beginning of year                                       272         229
                                                           --------    --------

Cash at end of year                                        $    144         272
                                                           ========    ========

See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.

                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                     Notes to Combined Financial Statements

                             June 30, 1997 and 1996

(1)  Company Background

     BMG  Interactive  Group  (collectively  the  "Company")   representing  the
     interactive  operations of BMG  Entertainment  Companies ("BMG") in various
     countries,  including the United States, United Kingdom,  Germany,  France,
     Italy,  Sweden,  and Japan,  are wholly owned  operations of their ultimate
     parent,  Bertelsmann AG ("BAG"), a privately owned German corporation.  The
     Company designs, develops,  publishes,  markets and distributes interactive
     software  games for use on  multimedia  personal  computer  and video  game
     console  platforms.  The operations of the Company have never been operated
     as a separate legal entity but rather an integral part of BMG.

     In July 1997, the operations in Sweden were sold to an unaffiliated entity.
     Net revenues and operating income for the operations in Sweden for the year
     ended June 30, 1996  amounted to  approximately  $2.2 million and $210,000,
     respectively.  Total  assets  of  Sweden  at  June  30,  1996  amounted  to
     approximately  $2.7 million.  In May 1997, the Company decided to wind-down
     its U.S. operations.

     In March 1998, Take-Two Interactive  Software,  Inc.  ("Take-Two") acquired
     substantially  all  of  the  operating  assets  of  the  Company  including
     operations in France,  Germany and the United  Kingdom and excluding  Japan
     and Italy.

     As consideration for this purchase, Take-Two issued to BMG 1,850,000 shares
     of newly  created  Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock (the  "Preferred
     Stock"), which are convertible on a one-for-one basis into common shares of
     Take-Two.   Take-Two  has  granted  BMG  certain   "piggyback"  and  demand
     registration  rights with  respect to the shares of Common  stock  issuable
     upon conversion of the Preferred Stock.


                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued

(2)  Significant Accounting Policies

     Basis of Presentation and Principles of Combination

     The  accompanying  combined  financial  statements  have been  prepared  in
     accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles in the United
     States  and  include  the   accounts  of  the  Company.   All   significant
     intercompany balances and transactions between interactive  operations have
     been  eliminated  in  the  combined  financial  statements.  The  Company's
     operations  have never been operated as a separate  legal entity but rather
     an  integral  part of  BMG.  Included  in the  accompanying  statements  of
     operations are net revenues and costs of revenues that substantially relate
     directly to the Company.  Selling and general and  administrative  expenses
     (including  severance costs  associated  with the U.S.  operations in 1997)
     include  those  accounts  that  relate  directly  to the Company as well as
     allocations  from BMG (see note 3(b)).  These  allocations  are believed by
     management to be reasonable under the circumstances,  however, there can be
     no assurances that such allocations will be indicative of future results of

     The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been prepared  under a going
     concern basis and do not reflect the sale of the Company to Take-Two or any
     purchase accounting adjustments to be made by Take-Two.


     Inventory,  consisting of finished goods, is stated at the lower of average
     cost or market.

     Producer Royalty Advances

     Producer  royalty advances  represent  advance payments made to independent
     software developers and licensors of intellectual property.  Generally such
     agreements specify  guaranteed minimum royalties  requiring partial payment
     in advance of  performance  and  payment  of the  balance  within a certain
     period of time after  performance.  The liabilities  for unpaid  guaranteed
     minimum  royalties are recorded when it is determined  that all  conditions
     preparatory to performance have been met by the developer or licensor.  The
     Company  recognizes  royalty  expense  to  developers/licensors  based upon
     revenue earned from the respective  product.  Upon release,  or at time the
     determination  is made  that  the  product  will not be  released,  royalty
     advances  not  expected  to be  recovered  through  royalties  on  sales or
     subsidiary rights are charged to cost of revenues.


                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued

     (2), Continued

     Furniture and Equipment

     Furniture and equipment are stated at cost and  depreciation is computed on
     a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of 3 to 7 years.

     Maintenance and repair costs are expensed as incurred.

     Revenue Recognition

     Revenue from the  distribution of interactive  software games is recognized
     upon the shipment of product by  distributors.  Retailers have the right to
     return  copies  not  sold.   Accordingly,   an  allowance  for  returns  is
     established  when  sales  by  distributors   occur  based  upon  historical
     experience. Royalty income is recognized when earned.

     Income Taxes

     The Company is not subject to income taxes  directly.  However the combined
     financial  statements  reflect the  accounting  for income  taxes as if the
     Company  were to have  been a  separate  tax filer in  accordance  with the
     provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 109.

     Deferred  tax  assets and  liabilities  are  recognized  for the future tax
     consequences  attributable to differences  between the financial  statement
     carrying  amounts of existing assets and  liabilities and their  respective
     tax bases.  Deferred tax assets and  liabilities are measured using enacted
     tax rates  expected to apply to taxable  income in the years in which those
     temporary  differences are expected to be recovered or settled.  The effect
     on  deferred  tax  assets  and  liabilities  of a  change  in tax  rates is
     recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date. If the
     Company were to have been a separate tax filer,  hypothetical  deferred tax
     assets   primarily   representing  the  tax  effected  net  operating  loss
     carryforwards in various  jurisdictions,  amounted to $23.5 million at June
     30, 1997. In assessing the realizability of deferred tax assets, management
     considers  whether it is more likely  than not that some  portion or all of
     the deferred tax assets will not be realized.  The ultimate  realization of
     deferred  tax assets is dependent  upon the  generation  of future  taxable
     income during future  periods.  Management has determined  that a valuation
     allowance for the entire amount is necessary.


                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued

     (2), Continued

     Foreign Currency Translation

     Cumulative  translation  adjustments include primarily the effects of using
     current  rates in  translating  the  financial  statements  of the  foreign
     operations where applicable.

     Use of Estimates

     The  preparation  of  combined  financial  statements  in  conformity  with
     generally  accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make
     estimates and  assumptions  that affect the reported  amounts of assets and
     liabilities  and  disclosures of contingent  assets and  liabilities at the
     date of the  combined  financial  statements  and the  reported  amounts of
     revenues and expenses  during the reporting  periods.  Actual results could
     differ from those estimates.

     Prospective Accounting Pronouncements

     In June 1997, SFAS No. 130, "Reporting  Comprehensive  Income" ("SFAS 130")
     and "Disclosures  about Segments of an Enterprise and Related  Information"
     ("SFAS 131") were issued. SFAS 130 establishes  standards for reporting and
     disclosure  of  comprehensive  income and its  components  in a full set of
     general-purpose  financial  statements.  This  statement  requires that all
     items that are  required to be  recognized  under  accounting  standards as
     components  of  comprehensive  income be reported in a financial  statement
     that is displayed with the same prominence as other  financial  statements.
     SFAS 131 establishes standards for the way that public business enterprises
     report information about operating segments in annual financial  statements
     and requires  that those  enterprises  report  selected  information  about
     operating  segments in interim  financial  reports issued to  shareholders,
     which is not currently required.  It also establishes standards for related
     disclosures  about  products  and  services,  geographic  areas  and  major
     customers.  Adoption  of these  statements  will not impact  the  Company's
     combined financial position,  results of operations, or cash flows, and any
     effect  will be limited to the form and  content  of its  disclosure.  Both
     statements  are effective  for fiscal years  beginning  after  December 15,

     Fair Value of Financial Instruments

     In  estimating  the fair value for financial  instruments,  the Company has
     assumed that the carrying  amount of cash,  accounts  receivable,  accounts
     payable, and accrued expenses  approximates fair value because of the short
     maturity of those  instruments.  It is not  practical  to estimate the fair
     market value of the amount Due to  Bertelsmann AG and affiliates due to the
     related party nature of the transaction.


                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued

(3)  Transactions with Related Parties

(a)  Affiliates of the Company are  responsible  for fulfillment and warehousing
     activities  related  to the  Company's  software  games.  These  affiliated
     companies are also  responsible for collection of receivables  from sale of
     products,  and are obligated to pay such  receivables,  net of returns,  in
     accordance with specified dating terms,  regardless of collection  results.
     In  exchange  for  these  services,  the  Company  pays  a fee  based  on a
     predetermined formula or actual costs incurred.

(b)  The Company  receives an allocation of assessments  from  affiliates of the
     Company for its share of certain  personnel and related  employee  benefits
     and other overhead charges such as rent, utilities, finance, human resource
     and  information  technology  support,  etc. Total amounts paid under these
     assessments  amounted  to  $2,997,887  and  $1,567,873  in 1997  and  1996,

(4)  Foreign Operations

     The  information  below  summarizes  the results of operations and selected
     balance sheet information for the Company's foreign geographic operations.

                                                      1997                1996
                                                      ----                ----
                                                           (in thousands)

     Net Revenues                                  $ 32,198            $ 14,318

     Net Loss                                      $ (4,392)           $ (7,146)
     Identifiable Assets                           $ 11,878


                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued

(5)  International Production Agreement

     In March 1994, the Company entered into an exclusive distribution agreement
     with Crystal  Dynamics N.V.  ("Crystal")  to market,  distribute  and sell,
     outside of the United States and Canada, interactive entertainment software
     programs produced by Crystal.  The term of the Agreement was to continue up
     to and including June 30, 1998.

     In  accordance  with the  agreement,  the  Company  advanced to Crystal $15
     million upon signing and  executing the  contract.  In addition,  18 months
     following the date of execution,  the Company paid an additional advance of
     approximately $700,000 as specified by the agreement.

     All  advances  paid to  Crystal  are  recoupable  from  net  receipts.  Net
     receipts,  as  defined  by the  agreement,  represent  gross  sales  less a
     distribution  fee  retained  by BMG and other  selling  and  administrative

     The  Company  amended  this  agreement  in  March,   1998  to  include  the
     distribution of one additional Crystal product released in March, 1998, for
     a  recoupable,  non-returnable  advance of  approximately  $1  million.  No
     further amounts are required to be advanced to Crystal by the Company.

(6)  Liquidity and Due to Bertelsmann AG and Affiliates

     The combined  financial  statements  of the Company have been prepared on a
     going-concern  basis which  contemplates  the realization of assets and the
     liquidation of  liabilities  in the normal course of business.  As shown in
     the accompanying  combined financial  statements,  the Company has incurred
     operating  losses  through  June 30,  1997.  The  ability of the Company to
     continue as a going  concern is  dependent  upon the  Company's  ability to
     achieve profitable operations and obtain additional financing. The combined
     financial  statements  do  not  include  any  adjustments  relating  to the
     recoverability  and classification of recorded asset amounts or the amounts
     and  classification  of  liabilities  that  might be  necessary  should the
     Company  not be able to  continue  in  existence  as BMG has  committed  to
     provide   additional   funding   necessary  to  fund  the  Company's   cash
     requirements until December 1998.


                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued

(7)  Contingencies

     In September 1996,  Gametek (UK) Limited  ("Gametek") filed a claim against
     an affiliate  Company  relating to a  distribution  agreement with Gametek.
     Gametek claimed damages of  non-performance  of approximately  $900,000.  A
     counterclaim of approximately $200,000 was filed by the Company's affiliate
     that advances  provided to Gametek under the agreement  should be refunded.
     Judgment was received in favor of the Company's affiliate in November 1997.
     Gametek is seeking to appeal such decision.  Take-Two Interactive Software,
     Inc.,  which  currently  owns  Gametek,  has  agreed to take all  action to
     terminate and resolve the dispute and release BMG from all liability  under
     this claim  pursuant to the terms of the Asset Purchase  Agreement  between
     Take-Two and BMG (see note 1).

     In October 1996, Montparnasse Multimedia S.A.R.L. ("Montparnasse"),  acting
     as a  manufacturer  of the  Company,  filed a claim for $100,000 in damages
     against Heritage  Creative  Partners  Company  ("Heritage") and Mr. Patrice
     Dubreuil  (collectively  "the  Plaintiffs")  relating to various  contracts
     entered into for the packaging of Company products.  Montparnasse initially
     claimed breach of contract against Heritage; the Plaintiffs  counterclaimed
     against  Montparnasse for  approximately  $500,000.  BAG and the affiliated
     Company were brought into the legal  proceedings  as it is claimed that the
     Company's   affiliate  sold   Montparnasse   worldwide   product  and  made
     adjustments  to the  packaging  to  conform  to the local  markets  without
     authorization of the Plaintiffs.

     During 1997, the Company and Montparnasse  filed a series of claims against
     one  another  for  violation  of  contractual  obligations  of license  and
     distribution  agreement.  Montparnasse's  claim  is  in  the  amount  of FF
     57,000,000  (approximately $9.5 million). In September 1997, a judgment was
     made in favor of the Company;  however,  no amount of damages was allocated
     with  respect  to the  Company's  claim.  Montparnasse  has  appealed  this
     decision; no date for the appeal has been set. Montparnasse and the Company
     are currently discussing a settlement.

     The Company is party to other legal proceedings generally incidental to its

     No amounts have been  provided with respect to the above  contingencies  as
     management  believes  that the  outcome  from the above  litigation  is not
     probable  and will not  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  combined
     financial position or results of operations of the Company.

(8)  Supplemental Cash Flow Information

     The Company did not expend any amounts relative to interest or income taxes
     during 1997 and 1996

                          Independent Auditor's Report
                        On Combining Financial Statements

The Board of Directors
Bertelsmann AG

We have audited the  accompanying  balance sheet of BMG Interactive  Italy as of
June 30, 1997, and the related statements of operations,  divisional deficit and
cash flows for each of the years in the  two-year  period  ended June 30,  1997.
These financial  statements are the responsibility of the BMG Ricordi SpA, Italy
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standard  generally accepted
in the United  States.  Those  standards  required  that we plan and perform the
audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements are
free of material  misstatement.  An audit includes  examining,  on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An
audit also includes  assessing the accounting  principles  used and  significant
estimates  made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial
statement  presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable  basis
for our opinion.

The accompanying  financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the
accounting  instructions of Bertelsmann AG, the Company's  ultimate parent,  for
use in preparing  the combined  financial  statement of BMG  Interactive  Group.
These  instructions,  which do not require the presentation of substantially all
disclosures,  differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States.  Accordingly,  the accompanying financial statements are not intended to
present BMG Interactive Italy's financial position,  results of operations,  and
cash flows in accordance with accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the
United States.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements referred to above have been prepared,
for the purpose described in the preceding paragraph,  in all material respects,
in conformity  with the accounting  instructions of Bertelsmann AG, as discussed
in Note 2.

Bozen April 17, 1998

                                             REVISA & CO. KG
                                             Dr. Mansjorg Verdorfer

To the Board of Directors
Of BMG Entertainment International (UK and Ireland) Limited

In our  opinion,  the  accompanying  combined  balance  sheets  and the  related
combined  statements of  operations,  divisional  deficit and cash flows present
fairly, in all material respects,  the financial position of BMG Interactive (UK
Business)  (the  "Business")  at 30 June 1997 and 1996,  and the  results of its
operations  and its cash flows for each of the two years in the period  ended 30
June 1997, in conformity with generally  accepted  accounting  principles in the
United  States.  These  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of  the
Business's  management,  our  responsibility  is to  express an opinion on these
financial  statements  based on our  audits.  We  conducted  our audits of these
statements in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards in the
United Kingdom which do not differ in any material respect to generally accepted
auditing standards in the United States,  which require that we plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence  supporting the amounts and  disclosures  in the financial  statements,
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  and evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We
believe  that our audits  provide a reasonable  basis for the opinion  expressed

BMG  Interactive  (UK  Business)  has been  operated as an integral  part of BMG
Entertainment  International (UK and Ireland) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary
of Bertelsmann AG, and has no separate legal existence. The basis of preparation
of the accompanying  financial statements is described in Note 1 to the combined
financial statements.

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been  prepared  assuming that the
Business  will  continue  as a  going  concern.  As  discussed  in Note 1 to the
financial  statements,  the  Business  has a  working  capital  deficiency,  has
incurred  recurring  negative  cash  flow  from  operations,   and  may  require
additional financing to fund its operations, which raise substantial doubt about
its ability to continue as a going  concern.  The  financial  statements  do not
include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.

Price Waterhouse
London, United Kingdom
19 May 1998

                          Independent Auditors' Report
                        On Combining Financial statements

To the Board of Directors of Bertelsmann AG:

We have audited the  accompanying  balance sheet of BMG Interactive  Japan ("the
Division"),  a division of BMG Japan, Inc. ("the Company") (formerly BMG Victor,
Inc., a Japanese corporation) as of June 30, 1997, and the related statements of
operations,  divisional  deficit  and cash  flows  for each of the  years in the
two-years  period  ended  June 30,  1997.  These  financial  statements  are the
responsibility of the BMG Japan,  Inc.'s  management.  Our  responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standard  generally accepted
in the United  States.  Those  standards  required  that we plan and perform the
audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements are
free of material  misstatement.  An audit includes  examining,  on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An
audit also includes  assessing the accounting  principles  used and  significant
estimates  made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial
statement  presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable  basis
for our opinion.

The accompanying  financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the
accounting  instructions of Bertelsmann AG, the Company's  ultimate parent,  for
use in preparing  the combined  financial  statement of BMG  Interactive  Group.
These  instructions,  which do not require the presentation of substantially all
disclosures,  differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States.  Accordingly,  the accompanying financial statements are not intended to
present the Division's financial position, results of operations, and cash flows
in  accordance  with  accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in the United

In our opinion,  the financial  statements referred to above have been prepared,
for the purpose described in the preceding paragraph,  in all material respects,
in conformity  with the accounting  instructions of Bertelsmann AG, as discussed
in Note 2.

Arthur Andersen

Tokyo, Japan
April 17, 1998

                          Independent Auditors' Report
                        On Combining Financial statements

To the Board of Directors of Bertelsmann AG:

We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of BMG Interactive (France) as of
June 30, 1997, and the related statements of operations,  divisional deficit and
cash flows for each of the years in the  two-years  period  ended June 30, 1997.
These  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of  the  BMG  France  SA
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standard  generally accepted
in the United  States.  Those  standards  required  that we plan and perform the
audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements are
free of material  misstatement.  An audit includes  examining,  on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An
audit also includes  assessing the accounting  principles  used and  significant
estimates  made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial
statement  presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable  basis
for our opinion.

The accompanying  financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the
accounting  instructions of Bertelsmann AG, the Company's  ultimate parent,  for
use in preparing  the combined  financial  statement of BMG  Interactive  Group.
These  instructions,  which do not require the presentation of substantially all
disclosures,  differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States.  Accordingly,  the accompanying financial statements are not intended to
present BMG Interactive  (France)'s  financial position,  results of operations,
and cash flows in accordance with accounting  principles  generally  accepted in
the United States.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements referred to above have been prepared,
for the purpose described in the preceding paragraph,  in all material respects,
in conformity  with the accounting  instructions of Bertelsmann AG, as discussed
in Note 1.

                                             Neuilly, April 17, 1998
                                             Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
                                             Albert Aidan

                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                             Combined Balance Sheet
                                 (in thousands)

                                December 31, 1997

Current assets:
    Cash                                                               $     21
    Accounts receivable, net                                              2,662
    Inventory, net                                                          992
    Producer royalty advances, net                                        6,241
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets                               395
                  Total current assets                                   10,311

Furniture and equipment, net  of
    accumulated depreciation of $826                                        306
Other noncurrent assets                                                     322

                  Total assets                                         $ 10,939

                Liabilities and Divisional Deficit

Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable                                                      1,255
    Accrued expenses                                                      3,435
    Other current liabilities                                             1,800
    Due to Bertelsmann AG and affiliates                                 78,843

                  Total current liabilities                              85,333


Divisional deficit:
    Retained deficit                                                    (75,579)
    Cumulative translation adjustment                                     1,185
                  Total divisional deficit                              (74,394)

                  Total liabilities and divisional deficit             $ 10,939

                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

            Combined Statements of Operations and Divisional Deficit
                                 (in thousands)

                Six-Month period ended December 31, 1997 and 1996

                                                          1997            1996
                                                          ----            ----

Net revenues                                           $ 14,441          14,779
Cost of revenues                                        (12,716)        (10,797)
                                                       --------        --------

                  Gross (loss) profit                    (1,725)          3,982
                                                       --------        --------

Operating expenses:
    Selling                                               3,427           2,675
    General and administrative                            6,112          10,554
                                                       --------        --------

                                                          9,539          13,229
                                                       --------        --------

                  Net loss                               (7,814)         (9,247)

Divisional deficit beginning of period                  (67,267)        (30,210)

Foreign currency translation adjustment                     687             146
                                                       --------        --------

Divisional deficit end of period                       $(74,394)        (39,311)
                                                       ========        ======== 

                              BMG INTERACTIVE GROUP
             (An Indirect Wholly-Owned Operation of Bertelsmann AG)

                        Combined Statements of Cash Flows
                                 (in thousands)

                Six-Month period ended December 31, 1997 and 1996

                                                              1997        1996
                                                              ----        ----

Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net loss                                               $ (7,814)     (9,247)
    Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash
       used in operating activities:
          Depreciation                                          298          74
          Change in assets and liabilities:
              Accounts receivable, net                          861      (5,664)
              Inventory, net                                    401        (209)
              Producer royalty advances, net                  2,568      (8,220)
              Prepaid expenses and other assets               1,504        (245)
              Other current liabilities                      (1,748)      4,661
                                                           --------    --------

               Net cash used in operating activities         (3,930)    (18,850)
                                                           --------    --------

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Capital expenditures                                         --         (70)
                                                           --------    --------

               Net cash used in investing activities             --         (70)
                                                           --------    --------

Cash flows from financing activities:
    Net advances from Bertelsmann and affiliates              3,807      18,877
                                                           --------    --------

               Net cash provided by financing activities      3,807      18,877
                                                           --------    --------

               Net decrease in cash                            (123)        (43)

Cash at beginning of year                                       144         272
                                                           --------    --------

Cash at end of year                                        $     21         229
                                                           ========    ========

             Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Information

The following unaudited pro forma consolidated statement of operations,  for the
year ended  October 31, 1997,  including the notes  thereto,  give effect to the
acquisitions   of  GameTek  (UK)  Limited   ("GameTek"),   Alternative   Reality
Technologies, Inc. ("ART"), Inventory Management Systems Inc. ("IMSI"), Creative
Alliance Group, Inc. ("CAG"), L & J Marketing,  Inc. D/B/A Alliance Distributors
("Alliance"),  and  BMG  Interactive  Group  ("BMG"),  by  Take-Two  Interactive
Software,  Inc. and  subsidiaries  (the  "Company") as if the  acquisitions  had
occurred as of November 1, 1996.

On July 31, 1997,  the Company  acquired all the  outstanding  stock of IMSI and
CAG.  IMSI and CAG are  engaged in the  wholesale  distribution  of  interactive
software games.  To effect the  acquisition,  all of the  outstanding  shares of
common  stock of each of IMSI and CAG  were  exchanged  for  900,000  shares  of
restricted  common stock of the Company.  The acquisition has been accounted for
as a pooling of interests in  accordance  with APB No. 16 and  accordingly,  the
Company's  financial  statements for the year ended October 31, 1997,  have been
restated to include the results of operations of IMSI and CAG.

All other  acquisitions  were  accounted  for under  purchase  accounting.  As a
result, the assets and liabilities of the acquired  businesses are adjusted from
their  historical  amount to their  estimated  fair value.  Purchase  accounting
adjustments have been preliminarily  estimated by the Company's management based
upon  available  information  and are believed by management  to be  reasonable.
There  can  be  no  assurance,  however,  that  the  final  purchase  accounting
adjustments that will ultimately be determined by the Company's  management will
not differ from these estimates.

The unaudited pro forma consolidated  statement of operations for the year ended
October 31, 1997 has been prepared based on the audited historical  consolidated
statement of operations of the Company for the year ended October 31, 1997 which
includes Take-Two,  Mission, IMSI, CAG and GameTek / ART from July 29, 1997, the
date of its  acquisition;  the unaudited  historical  statement of operations of
GameTek for the period from  November 1, 1996 to July 28, 1997;  the  historical
statement of operations for ART, prior to its acquisition, is immaterial and has
not  been  included  in  the  unaudited  pro  forma  consolidated  statement  of
operations; the unaudited historical statement of operations of Alliance for the
period from October 1, 1996 to September 30, 1997; and the unaudited  historical
statement of operations of BMG (excluding  the  operations of Japan,  Sweden and
Italy which were not  acquired by the  Company)  for the period from  January 1,
1997 to December 31, 1997.

The  unaudited  pro  forma  consolidated  financial  information  presented  for
informational purposes only, is not necessarily indicative of the actual results
of operations  of the Company that would have been reported if the  acquisitions
of GameTek, IMSI, CAG, Alliance and BMG had occurred as of November 1, 1996, nor
does such  information  purport  to  indicate  results of future  operations  or
financial condition. In the opinion of management,  all adjustments necessary to
present  fairly  such pro  forma  financial  information  have  been made to the
financial statements, and are reflected in the accompanying notes. The unaudited
pro forma consolidated  financial information should be read in conjunction with
the Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB and with the  financial  statements
included in this filing.

Historical Pro Forma ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- Company (1) GameTek(2) Alliance(3) BMG(4) Adjustments As adjusted ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Net sales $ 19,014,083 $ 3,081,054 $ 29,143,311 $ 26,181,000 $ (95,110)(5) $ 77,324,338 Cost of sales 12,459,189 3,727,094 26,142,345 42,261,000 (95,110)(5) 84,494,518 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Gross profit 6,554,894 (646,040) 3,000,966 (16,080,000) -- (7,170,180) Operating expenses: Research and development 1,248,258 -- -- -- -- 1,248,258 Selling and marketing 4,203,984 736,377 1,507,753 5,874,000 84,431(8) 12,406,545 General and administrative 3,385,481 2,539,249 1,040,920 12,975,000 -- 19,940,650 Depreciation and amortization 844,221 58,627 27,980 -- 283,024(6) 1,414,664 200,812(7) ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Total operating expenses 9,681,944 3,334,253 2,576,653 18,849,000 568,267 35,010,117 Income (loss) from operations (3,127,050) (3,980,293) 424,313 (34,929,000) (568,267) (42,180,297) Interest and other expenses 1,016,612 43,772 288,375 -- 30,000(9) 1,378,759 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Income (loss) before income taxes (4,143,662) (4,024,065) 135,938 (34,929,000) (598,267) (43,559,056) Provision for income taxes (benefit) 18,421 (247,610) 15,100 -- -- (214,089) ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Net income (loss) (4,162,083) (3,776,455) 120,838 (34,929,000) (598,267) (43,344,967) Preferred dividends (135,416) -- -- -- -- (135,416) Distributions paid to S corporation shareholders prior to acquisition (202,092) -- -- -- -- (202,092) ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Net income (loss) attributable to common stockholders' $ (4,499,591) $ (3,776,455) $ 120,838 $(34,929,000) $ (598,267) $(43,682,475) ============ ============ ============ ============ ============ ============ Net loss per share $ (4.78) Weighted average shares outstanding (10) 9,141,029
Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended October 31, 1997 (1) Reflects the Company's audited historical financial statements for the year ended October 31, 1997, which includes the operations of Take-Two, Mission, IMSI, CAG, and GameTek / ART from July 29, 1997, the date of its acquisition. (2) Reflects GameTek's unaudited historical financial statements for the period from November 1, 1996 to July 28, 1997. (3) Reflects Alliance's unaudited historical financial statements for the period from October 1, 1996 to September 30, 1997. (4) Reflects BMG's unaudited historical financial statements for the period January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997. These unaudited historical financial statements exclude the operations of Sweden, Japan and Italy which were not acquired by the Company. BMG's operations in Sweden were sold in 1997 to an unaffiliated entity. The operations of Japan and Italy served as distribution channels and licensees of BMG content; these operations did not contain any intellectual property. The cost of the acquisition was allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed based upon their estimated fair values as follow: Working Capital $ 10,957,000 Equipment 541,000 ------------ $ 11,498,000 ============ (5) Reflects the elimination of inter-company transactions between IMSI and Alliance. (6) Reflects an adjustment of $283,024, which represents the amortization of the intangible assets acquired in connection with the GameTek acquisition. The acquired intangible asset is being amortized over the estimated useful life of 10 years. (7) Reflects an adjustment of $200,812, which represents the amortization of intangible assets acquired in connection with the Alliance acquisition. The acquired intangible asset is being amortized over the estimated useful life of 10 years. (8) Reflects an adjustment of $84,431, which represents the amortization of deferred compensation as a result of the issuance of non-qualified options to Alliance employees at an exercise price of $2.00 per share. The options vest over a period of three years. The difference between the exercise price and the fair value of the options at the measurement date is being amortized over the vesting period. (9) Reflects additional interest expense incurred in connection with the $500,000 promissory note, bearing interest at 8.0% per annum, issued in connection with the GameTek acquisition. (10) Reflects the Company's historical weighted average shares outstanding, plus 900,000 shares issued in connection with the acquisition of IMSI and CAG, plus 406,553 shares issued in connection with the acquisition of GameTek, plus 500,000 shares issued in connection with the acquisition of Alliance. The calculation does not include the 1,850,000 shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock, convertible on a one-for-one basis into shares of Common Stock, issued in connection with the acquisition of BMG because their inclusion would be anti-dilutive. SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. Dated: May 26, 1998 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. By: /s/ Ryan A. Brant --------------------------- Ryan A. Brant Chief Executive Officer